BONUS #41 Perform a Solo at a Hafla

Can you believe I had a few things that I wanted to put on this list but was too afraid to?

One of those items was to perform a solo at a hafla - a casual bellydance performance event at a restaurant instead of in the safe space of my dance studio.

Enter Razilee - a dance friend for many years who was putting together a Bacon, Eggs & Bellydance Bruch show at a nearby restaurant. She helped me find a lovely costume back in February and has been pestering me to use it for something! With her encouragement, I spent a month choreographing a short solo all by myself and debuted it at the brunch on October 7, 2018.

Here is a link to the video and some lovely photos from Laurie Patton.

So thanks to Razilee, my husband, and some other special dance friends for being so encouraging and watching the many iterations of my choreo. And thanks to me for allowing myself to not be perfect and just try something :)

Me with Razilee and all of the performers!

Hopefully, there will be many more performances to come!

1st BONUS Completed 10/7/18
3/41 items complete = 7%


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