BONUS #42 Change jobs

First day selfie!

This was another item that I had originally thought about putting on the list but ended up being too chicken to go through with it! Funnily enough, however, as I worked on item #40 to write a letter to my 40-year-old self, I found that I had written up a challenge to find a new passion in my work life!

While I loved my first "grown up" job after grad school, I had been in the same office and team for over five years and I was ready for a new opportunity to learn. I will miss so many of my colleagues and the folks I worked with from other organizations on our projects, but I hope I will still be able to work together with many of them as I'm staying in the same field.

I started my new role on November 26, 2018, and I'm so excited to move back into the environmental NGO world, help build a new program from the ground up, and, of course, learn many new things :)

BONUS Item 42 Completed 11/26/18
7/42 items complete = 16%


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