#48 Join a non-profit board

I don't know why this is just occurring to me to add to the blog, but I was elected to the board of Tree Stewards this past January as Vice President for Communications. This is my first time serving on a non-profit board!

I joined Tree Stewards in 2018 after looking for a way to get more involved in the local community. As a Girl Scout camp counselor in the hills of East Tennessee, I went by the camp name “Lorax” and then pursued my love of nature into a career in international conservation and development project management. While I have a graduate certificate in Forest Carbon Science, Policy and Management from MSU, working with Tree Stewards has allowed me to finally see the individual trees instead of the whole forest!

Since joining, I have volunteered for planting, pruning, ivy removal, and the farmer’s market tree education tables, and am now excited to be managing and improving the Tree Stewards’ website, communications, and social media this year.

Item 48 Completed 1/18/20
26/48 items complete = 54%


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