#39 Straighten my teeth (again)

First picture out of braces, May 2020

I started my adult round of braces on December 18, 2019 with an estimated 16 months of treatment, so I should have been out of them around April 18, 2020.

Then, coronavirus happened. My orthodontist emailed me two days before my March 18 adjustment that they would not be able to remove any braces until the threat had passed. The process of polishing off glue from teeth creates aerosol droplets that would put the staff and other patients at risk unless they had hazmat suits and N95 masks.

So instead of getting my lower braces off in March, I was given fresh powerchains and sent away with the promise that they would call and take everything off as soon as it was safe - likely in six weeks time, which would be early May.

I finally got in May 15, and the braces came off! I was in a room by myself with a fan and air filter going. Staff were decked out in masks and other layers of protective gear, and for the actual braces removal, they put a plexiglass box over my head with arm holes for the orthodontist to work through (think a baby incubator). The whole process was quick, and they made me retainers in house right away.

After only a month delay from COVID-19, I left with a gorgeous smile and a little bottle of champagne as a gift :)

First picture in braces, December 2018

Item 39 Completed 5/15/20
28/48 items complete = 58%


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