#9 Rock Creek Capitol Stones

As the weather warmed up but the pandemic stayed put, I took a look through the list for something that I could check off. As an outdoor attraction in DC, the Capitol Stones fit the bill! 

Per Atlas Obscura: "During a 1958 renovation of the Capitol, the Architect of the Capitol removed hundreds of sandstone and marble blocks from the building, some featureless slabs and some ornate carved pieces, most dating from the building’s original construction. Not quite sure where to put this historic stone (the law barred selling or disposing of it), the builders quietly piled the stones behind a maintenance shed in Rock Creek Park, and abandoned them."

It was great fun to go into DC and hike a bit in Rock Creek Park. The stones are in the forest near the stables - you just have to wind around an unmarked gravel path to find them, and Google Maps can help.

Item 9 Completed 7/11/20
29/48 items complete = 60%


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