#50 Cook/bake fancy things - Beef Wellington, Sausage Rolls, Pork Pies, Profiteroles, Eclairs, and Danishes

My first Beef Wellington

While at home over COVID-19 pandemic winter, I decided to try out some time-consuming recipes. My first thought was Beef Wellington, and then I signed up for Bake With A Legend virtual classes to learn how to make sausage rolls, pork pies, profiterole stack, and eclairs under the tutelage of Great British Baking Show contestants!

Beef Wellington

As a Christmas gift for my family, I made Beef Wellington for dinner on our gift exchange night. Using Tyler Florence's recipe, I was able to follow it perfectly except for the green peppercorns in brine, so the sauce just got some fresh ground black pepper and still came out delicious.

Preparing the duxelles and prosciutto layers

I started cooking at about 3:30pm and we ate at 7:15pm, the meat being larger than the recipe called for and taking extra time to cook (plus some tented foil to prevent the pastry burning).

Ready for the oven - decorations by Katie!

It's definitely worth making again! I would use a smaller piece of meat and work better to eliminate the pastry seams next time so that it comes out neater!

Out of the oven with some split seams :P

Sausage Rolls

In January 2021, I took a sausage rolls class from Howard Middleton. It was so fun to connect on Zoom with about 20 folks from around the world on a chilly winter afternoon to back together!

Making the dough for the first chilling

The first rollout and folding of the rough puff

Made a pear chutney for the first time as the dough chilled

Assembling the sausage rolls - used a mix of pork and beef this time

The final sausage rolls in a perfectly baked puff pastry!

Pork Pies

In February, I joined Howard again to tackle this cute mini pork pies!

You have to work hot water crust pastry while it's hot, so I didn't pause for photos until the tin was safely filled with the bottom crust.

As I rolled out the remaining dough for the tops, I was able to get the 12th pie too!

After 30min baking in the muffin tin, they're sturdy enough to pop out and finish baking on a sheet to brown up the sides.

They turned out perfect! Not as hard as I thought it would be! I want to make them with a veggie filling next.

Profiterole Stack

Reunited with Howard, I made choux pastry for the first time, filled with vanilla whipped cream and drizzled with dark chocolate.

Choux pastry starts over a burner, then you slowly stir in beaten eggs until you get a 5 second drop from the spoon - Howard said my dough was the most magnificent he had ever seen on Zoom!

I piped the choux out a bit messy... looked like poop emojis XD

About 50 choux baked and cooling to be filled.

Whipped up some cream and filled them - this was my batch to freeze.

This was my yummy profiterole stack with dark chocolate sauce, yum!


Took this class in March 2021!

Making choux again with Jane!

Piping the choux and using a fork to make the signature texture on top.

Making caramel.

Assembly with caramel, chocolate, and piped cream!

The finished product, yum!


Took this class in May 2021! This class with Rosie was so fast-paced that I didn't get many photos, haha!

Look at the layers in my pastry :O

Assembly of 3 types of danishes - balsamic caramelized onion and goat cheese pinwheels, cinnamon swirls, and creme raspberry!

I liked the flavor of the savory onion ones best, but the raspberry creme shape came out looking the most impressive!

Item 50 Completed 12/28/20
31/50 items complete = 61%


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