#29 See the Northern Lights & #36 See a Glacier

Iceland was a spur of the moment trip that just so happened to check off two of my original bucket list items - See the Northern Lights and See a Glacier. Most folks go in the summer for more daylight and better weather, but you have better odds to see the Northern Lights in the longer winter nights. We pulled together this trip in about a month - half of it planned as a customized private tour with Iceland Go Tours - and had the most amazing time!

We were lucky enough to see the Northern Lights outside Reykjavik on our very first night and then again near Jökulsárlón glacier lagoon two days later. You have to stand outside in the cold windy evening for a few hours, but it was oh so worth it!

We also visited a number of outlets of Vatnajökull, the largest glacier in Europe. We even walked inside an ice cave at one! Also, Fjallsarlon is the filming location for when the dragon was killed by the Night King in Game of Thrones.

Item 29 Completed 10/31/21 & Item 36 Completed 11/2/21
35/51 items complete = 68%


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