Bonus #52 Heurich House Museum

I've been walking past the Heurich House Museum in DC for 11 years and finally made it inside for a tour this summer! For only $10, you get a historical tour of the home, intact from the 1890's. 

German immigrant Christian Heurich (1842-1945) ran the largest brewery in DC,on site where the Kennedy Center stands now. At one time, he was the second largest employer in the District after the federal government.

Beer room in the basement

Fabulous staircase

Originally would've had a glass ceiling in this conservatory

Music Balcony

Dining Room

Dining Table

Front Living Room


The best part is the beer garden in back where they sell the re-created Senate beer from the old recipe. It's so charming and a great green spot for local beers!


Item 52 Completed 7/15/22
38/52 items complete = 73%


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