#26 Gorilla trek

I still can’t believe only a few days ago I was able to trek to see mountain gorillas at Bwindi Impenetrable Forest in Uganda, a dream of mine since I saw the Virunga documentary in 2014! 

Assigned to the Mishaya family group in the Rushaga sector, we had a “medium” level hike straight up a steep mountain slope via a machete-slashed trail left by the expert gorilla trackers. 

Once we reached the top on the mountain, we learned that the gorilla family had already started descending, so we perilously walked sideways (and often slid) back down the slope over slippery vines. I had hired a local porter to carry my backpack and help me over the terrain, and I’m so grateful for his literal hand up and showing me where to plant my feet! 

It was all worth it when we saw the first gorilla, nestled in the bush and snacking away on leaves. We had an hour to spend with the group, and the guides would cut down foliage to give us a clearer view until the gorilla moved on to the next snacking spot. 

The second and third ones we saw were the silverback - the male leader and protector of the group - with a playful 6 month old baby! The little one put on a show, climbing over to inspect us, swinging on branches, and tumbling a few times. We caught up to him again later drinking water with his mother then swinging back up on her back as she walked deeper into the jungle. 

Absolute magic, and I can’t believe we share the world with these amazing “cousins”! 

Item 26 Completed 1/21/23
41/53 items complete = 77%


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