BONUS #54 Kayaking among WWI shipwrecks in Mallows Bay

Kayaking among WWI shipwrecks in Mallows Bay, Maryland

Another DC area bucket list item crossed off the (bonus) list! I must have learned about it randomly from the internet years ago, and I was so excited to pull together a fun group of friends from book club and work to go on a sunny Juneteenth holiday.

The "Ghost Fleet" is located in the Mallows Bay-Potomac River National Marine Sanctuary. Nearly 200 wooden ship hulls leftover from World War I were sold to a salvage company that beached the ships in the Potomac in the 1920s. Today, you can kayak around the remaining 100 or so wrecks, which have created a unique natural habitat for river fauna and flora. To kayak Mallows Bay, I recommend booking a tour with Atlantic Kayak Company. For more history of Mallows Bay, check out this National Trust website.

To kayak Mallows Bay, I recommend booking a tour with Atlantic Kayak Company. For more history of Mallows Bay, check out this National Trust website.

Item 54 Completed 6/19/23
44/54 items complete = 81.4%


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