#23 Ireland

Deck of Cards houses in Cobh

When PA told me his sister and her family were heading to Dublin for a trip, I immediately said, "Let's meet them there!" A great opportunity to see family, have new experiences together, and visit a new place.

I kissed the Blarney Stone to get the gift of gab!

Glendalough Monastery

With Irish heritage on both sides of my family, I've always wanted to visit Ireland. We had 3 days in Dublin with family - including a day trip to Kilkenny, Wicklow Mountains, and Glendalough - then two more days based out of Cork to visit the Blarney Stone and the coastal town of Cobh.

Held a giant "lamb" after a sheepdog demonstration

Smithwick's beer from Kilkenny is our favorite

I loved the history, the food, and the big small town vibes!

Item 23 Completed 8/16-21/23
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